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Producing immersive
that inspire and 
lasting connections.

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A little about me

I'm a creative arts specialist based in Eora (Sydney). With over a decade of experience in the performing arts, I curate and produce immersive theatre and conceptual events that celebrate innovation and cultural exchange. I blend my love of street dance with my experience with strategic campaign management to create impactful experiences that inspire, and drive memorable connections .

Entertainment  Producing 
Talent Management

 Dance  Consultancy

Creative Event Strategy

Team Building Initiatives

The transformative power of creative arts and immersive experiences.

Welcome to my world! With over ten years of experience in the performing arts industry, I have cultivated a rich background in dance. From my RAD classical ballet beginnings to my current practice, and love of dancehall, I draw on all my experience to produce successful and captivating, immersive events. 


My true passion lies in blending my love for street dance and theatre. I believe in the power of cultural exchange and innovation, and one of the core values that defines my work is fostering connections between artists and audiences. 


I am committed to contributing to the Australian contemporary landscape through immersive, socially tapped in, dance experiences that provide professional opportunities for street dancers.


What excites me is collaborating with like-minded individuals and organisations, as together, we can create experiences that drive thought and action, contributing positively to the arts and beyond.

Clients &


Event Management | Dance Consultancy | Choreography | Talent Aquisition | Creative Producing

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